Come Join Us at WordPress X!

Hey there! When we wrote asking guys whether they’d be interested in a WordPress Event, we were really humbled by the …

Keep Moving Forward

When Skyline was only a couple of years old, I used to wonder why most Kenyan companies said little to nothing about the work they do. …

The Chronicles
of Martians

Trying To Be Productive Every Single Day

As creatives, we can all agree that there are those moments when you seem to have achieved creative nirvana – ideas are flowing, designs are looking good and every line of code you write just works perfect …

Send Emails from your Local WampServer Using PHP

So there you are, having churned out beautiful code for that amazing website or web application and you finally want to push it out. The interface is sleek, pixels are perfect, forms are usable and you love what …

Signed. Martians.