Come Join Us at WordPress X!

Hey there! When we wrote asking guys whether they’d be interested in a WordPress Event, we were really humbled by the …

Keep Moving Forward

When Skyline was only a couple of years old, I used to wonder why most Kenyan companies said little to nothing about the work they do. …

The Chronicles
of Martians

Martian Challenge: KES 10,000

Hello! The instructions are very simple: Somewhere on this website, the obfuscated code names of the three Martians are displayed. Follow the clues to wherever they may lead, until you find out the real code …

Martian Podcast: Interested?

Us guys have been talking a lot about setting up a podcast that would cover our areas of interest (design and web development) in our African and Kenyan context. We think it’s finally time to walk the talk …

A Facebook Icon is Not “Social Integration”

A wise man once philosophised that those who don’t know what they’re saying hide behind big words, while masterminds can explain a subject matter in a way that even a child can understand. It’s …

7 Responsibility Lessons I’ve Learnt The Hard Way

In the humble beginnings of my design work, I was guided by two principles: be the best at what you do, and truly care about the people you work with and work for. These still hold, and I believe are succinctly …

5 Reasons Why You Should Fire That Client

Yes, you read that title right! And just in case you think it was cleverly crafted just to get you to click the link, think again. We fired a client last month. It sounds strange, right? How can you fire someone …

Kenya’s Education System Is A Zombie Factory

I know my philosophy lecturer said I shouldn’t make blanket statements, but I’ll go ahead and do it anyway: Hollywood should consider shooting the next Resident Evil movie in Kenya. Seriously. This …

Trying My Hand at Photography

When it comes to design, I can confidently say I’m like fish in water. But as much as I love design, it’s not the only thing I love. I am daily becoming more fascinated with photography. I’m an …

“Undergrads Who Work Don’t Become Rich”

It’s Tuesday the 19th, 1:43am. I’ve been tossing and turning in bed for a while now so I figure since sleep eludes me tonight, I might as well share the unexpected insults and mockery I happened to endure this …

7 Things A Web Designer Wishes His Clients Knew

I’ve been meaning to write this for a long time after numerous experiences I’ve had working with clients at Skyline. A lot is often assumed about designers/developers, so I’d like to take this opportunity to …

Challenging the Myth of the Color Green

Any designer who’s serious about his job takes time to study color theory, even if he only goes ankle deep. It’s indispensable to know that yellow gives a sense of cheerfulness, blue evokes a sense of …

Signed. Martians.